Logging into BullPhishID

This article describes the methods for logging into BullPhish ID. It emphasizes first-time login steps and subsequent login steps.

Login methods

The method you use to log into BullPhish ID is based on the following circumstances:

  • Whether KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization.
  • If KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled, whether login with KaseyaOne is required.
  • Whether you have a KaseyaOne account.

Method one

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is not enabled for your organization, you login into BullPhish ID locally using your BullPhish ID credentials.

Method two

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization but it is not required that you login with KaseyaOne credentials (Require Log In with KaseyaOne is not enabled), you have two login options. You can log into BullPhish ID locally using your BullPhish ID credentials or log in with your KaseyaOne credentials (if you have a KaseyaOne account that is linked to your BullPhish ID account).

Method three

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization and it is required that you login with KaseyaOne credentials (Require Log In with KaseyaOne is enabled), you must log into your KaseyaOne account. If you don’t have a KaseyaOne account, your administrator can add you to the User Exceptions list and you will log into BullPhish ID locally using your BullPhish ID credentials.

Regardless, of whether KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled or logging in with KaseyaOne is required, the platform guides you through the log in steps based on your account information.

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is required to log into BullPhish ID. This means that after you login with your credentials, you must enter a code that has been generated by an authenticator application.

You need to download a two-factor authentication application to your mobile device. Common authenticator applications include Passly Authenticator and FreeOTP.

First-time login

When you are added as a new BullPhish ID user, you will receive a welcome email explaining the steps for accessing the application. The steps required depend on whether KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization and whether logging in with KaseyaOne is required.

Welcome emails

Each welcome email is described below.

KaseyaOne Unified Login is not enabled

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is not enabled for your organization, you are instructed to click the link to accept the invitation and create a BullPhish ID password.

KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled but logging in with KaseyaOne is not required (Require Log In with KaseyaOne is not enabled)

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization but logging in with KaseyaOne credentials is not required, you can click the link to accept the invitation and create a BullPhish ID password. After doing so, you will have the option to login with your KaseyaOne credentials or with your BullPhish ID credentials.

KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled and logging in with KaseyaOne is required (Require Log In with KaseyaOne is enabled)

If KaseyaOne Unified Login is enabled for your organization and logging in with KaseyaOne credentials is required, you must login with your KaseyaOne credentials.

NOTE  You should receive a separate email with KaseyaOne first-time login instructions.

How to...


Revision Date
Initial release. 12/14/23